The Whittier oxford is a design straight from the mind of Mr. FitzPatrick: The hand-stitched apron detail and false heel counter create a one-of-a-kindpattern on what is, underneath it all, a classic wholecut oxford. The resulting model has proven an enduring favoriteamongJ.FitzPatrick staff andcustomersalike, and for the first timeis available for purchase with a hand-dyed patina by
TheOcean Depths patina was created by Hancoreexclusively for the November 2022 GMTO.Blackgives way to subtle blue hueson the vamps, side panels, and heel counters, creating the effect of color rising from below and breaking through the otherwisedark surfaceof this handsome oxford. Thesesubdued colors will show most strongly in bright natural light -- sinking to a near-total black at night.
Patina Ocean Depths - MTO - Whittier